News, Insights,
and Resources

Read on for the latest announcements on how Beacon’s clients, people, and technology are crafting the future of financial services in the cloud, as well as our insights on challenges facing the industry and how we help solve them.

Security incidents always present valuable opportunities for us to review and, where necessary, revise Beacon’s security and deployment processes. Deploying urgent and important updates, quickly, safely, and securely Getting urgent and important updates out to clients is a core requirement

Resilience: the capacity to recover quickly from unexpected events or challenges Resilience is a critical attribute of financial systems. There have certainly been no shortage of challenges and unexpected events in the past year that have strained the resilience of

Very few companies want to maintain their own computers—it’s just not part of their competitive advantage. Eventually the cloud came along and made it feasible to use slices of someone else’s computers as virtual machines. Using cloud applications and services

“I enjoy seeing how our company and clients operate. This is something that’s difficult to learn from a book, so these real-life experiences at Beacon have been enlightening.” Typical Day First Things Cross the garden to my shed where I

Stay tuned for company news, product updates, and up-to-the-minute perspectives.