About US

Beacon Partnerships: Enabling Client Success

At Beacon, we firmly believe that together we can drive value creation far beyond what individual participants can achieve by themselves. Which is why we are actively building a global community of partners around our products and clients. The goal of this activity is to put clients at the heart of an ecosystem that fuels innovation and accelerates the path from idea to business value.

Beacon’s buy and build philosophy and open architecture allow us to partner with a diverse range of companies that benefit our clients and enable our partners to quickly deliver value. From interoperable technologies and highly skilled domain experts that provide a more complete solution, to data vendors and innovative technology platforms, Beacon’s partnerships drive innovation across the financial services industry and help our clients and partners succeed together. The Beacon partner ecosystem includes:

Solution Partners: Extending Capability

By partnering with innovative software vendors, Beacon’s Solution partnerships help us extend the platform’s capabilities and provide clients with a solution that meets their specific business or technical needs, including the ability to rapidly enter niche markets. Integrations with our partners are made available through a range of interfaces and APIs, or via the Beacon App Store. Solution partnerships also enable the use of leading edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). As an example, Beacon has recently partnered with DataRobot, a leader in AI Cloud and Auto-Machine Learning, to integrate DataRobot’s prediction models directly into Beacon applications and workflows. This combination enables clients to leverage AI to develop new trading strategies, create risk management frameworks, or optimize investment portfolios with production data that never needs to leave the secure and segregated Beacon environment.

App Partners: Enhancing Utility

Beacon App partners enhance our platform’s capabilities, building additions and extensions that are just a few clicks away. These 3rd-party developers, including some Beacon clients, submit their apps to Beacon for review, approval, and distribution via the Beacon App Store. Clients can browse applications from the Beacon App Store and install them into their secure domain. Since its recent launch we have several partners developing apps with value added feature sets such as:

  • Pre-built product configurations for OTC energy products across power, gas, coal, and emissions
  • Data gap analyzers
  • Granular market data viewers
  • Real-time online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes with specific visualizations

Service Partners: Delivering Expertise

While Beacon Platform’s open and flexible architecture empowers clients to add to and extend the foundational components, not everyone has the time and resources to build everything they want. We work with a range of systems integrators and professional services firms to bring subject matter expertise to the table. This includes both large global consulting firms and regional and domain experts like KWA Analytics for capital markets and energy and commodity trading, RocketFin for trading and risk management, and Oepfelbaum who have vast experience in the Swiss market. Beacon’s service partners typically go through a training and certification program that provides them with the skills and information they need to use their subject market expertise within the Beacon context.

Data Partners: Enriching Insights

Data truly fuels the power of the Beacon Platform. Beacon works with our data partners to develop market data plugins or interfaces that make it simpler to ingest data from data vendors, including Bloomberg, Refinitiv, CME, ICE, and Morningstar. Many of these data interfaces are made available through the Beacon App Store. For example, the integration with CME DataMine provides a seamless data-to-analytics solution, with wizards that speed up the process of populating data tables and backtesting strategies. Data can also be accessed through common APIs and in multiple formats, such as CSV, FIX STP, JSON, REST, and XML.

Technology Partners: Empowering Innovation

Beacon partners with some of the world’s best technology and platform providers to deliver its leading edge solution to market. This includes major cloud platforms, such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, and support for a wide range of database technologies, such as Snowflake, InfluxDB, MongoDB, MySQL, and Postgres. By providing a configuration and management layer on top of the cloud infrastructure, we make it easy to connect with and operate across any of our clients’ preferred cloud or database environments.

An Ecosystem That Drives Results 

Our platform unlocks all sorts of possibilities – not just the ones we have thought of. By enabling partners to develop innovative applications, providing strong subject matter expertise, and leading edge technologies, the Beacon Platform through its partners creates an ecosystem of ideas and innovation that enable our clients to develop transformative solutions.

To learn more about how you can benefit from Beacon’s partnerships or become a Beacon Partner please go to: beacon.io/our-partners/